What Is The Best Treatment for Sciatic Nerve Pain?

by | May 20, 2024 | Blog

Sciatica pain often radiates down one or both sides of your buttocks and into your legs. As the largest nerve in the body, when the sciatic nerve is pinched, it can cause excruciating pain. Debilitating sciatica pain can happen if you have a herniated disc or if your piriformis muscle that runs from the lower spine to the top of the thigh is tight or inflamed, and presses down on the sciatic nerve that runs under it. No matter the cause of your sciatica, visit the medical professionals at the Aligned Medical Group for assistance in learning about the benefits of sciatica treatment options.

What Causes Sciatic Nerve Pain?

According to sciatica specialists, sciatica is caused when any part of the nerve is irritated or pinched. If the symptoms onset is sudden, it is likely due to a specific event like an injury, a herniated disc, or pregnancy-induced pelvic rotation and inflammation. However, if the symptoms seem to develop gradually over time, it may be related to degeneration, or caused by the development of a bone spur on your spine, degenerative disc disease, or spinal arthritis. Those at a higher risk for getting sciatic nerve pain are those with sedentary jobs or lifestyles, and those who are obese with more stress on their spine causing pressure on the nerves of the back. Jobs that require carrying heavy items or repeatedly twisting the back are also at a higher risk of sciatica.

What Are the Symptoms of Sciatic Nerve Pain?

Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain can present as a constant dull ache or sharp bursts of pain anywhere along the path of the sciatic nerve. Some even describe the sensation as electric shocks along the nerve. The sciatica nerve begins in the lower back, splitting at the hips and terminating in the foot. Sometimes sciatica is even coupled with the feeling of weakness or losing control of your bladder and/or bowels. If you feel pain, tingling, a pins and needles sensation, or numbness anywhere in the lower back, the buttocks, or down your legs, you may need treatment.

What Causes Sciatic Nerve to Flare Up?

Even if you experienced sciatica in the past and it was treated successfully, you could still occasionally experience a flare-up. These flare-ups can occur from an injury to the hip or pelvic region, tight hip or buttock muscles, or weakened core or lower back muscles. You may not be aware that stress can also cause sciatic nerve pain to flare up; when you are under stress, the body produces hormones that can cause inflammation that may increase the pressure on your sciatic nerve.

Walking for Sciatica Pain

What Is an Effective Treatment for Sciatica at Home?

There are some excellent sciatica treatments that most people can do in their own home to relieve sciatica pain.


As you gain more movement in your muscles without intense pain, it’s important to add stretching to your daily regime. A fast way to get some relief is gentle stretching. The following stretches can help reduce your pain even during a flare up episode:

  • Sitting knee to opposite shoulder stretch
  • Single or double knees to chest stretch
  • Child’s Pose
  • Laying belly-down on an exercise ball

Lay on your back and gently pull a knee to your chest, keeping your leg bent at the knee and hold this for 30-40 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg. The goal for sciatica relief is to reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve. It’s important not to perform any stretch or exercise that increases symptoms.

Apply Ice

When a flare up occurs, ice your lower back for 15-20 minutes, or until numb, three times a day. This is an effective treatment for reducing inflammation. Even though heat often feels good, avoid heat since it may increase inflammation. The goal for sciatica relief is to reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve. Ice helps control inflammation and spasm in muscles so pressure reduces on your nerves. Apply ice or a cold compress for 10-15 minutes to your lower back when finished stretching and before bed.


Walking may support your treatment plan. This low-impact exercise decreases inflammation, encourages spinal discs to heal, and can help loosen any tight muscles causing strain in the hips and lower back. Walking and extra movement in general can support natural recovery helping to treat sciatic nerve pain by building and increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and assisting with metabolism.

During the day, change positions frequently and do not sit for extended time. Some patients find fast sciatic pain relief with over the counter medications, however, extended use may slow your natural healing. If you are using all of these at home remedies for two weeks and your symptoms worsen or do not improve, seek help from a medical professional.

What is the Best Treatment for Sciatica?

Pigeon Pose

Sciatica specialists note that treatment for sciatic nerve pain varies from patient to patient, depending on many factors. Our holistic approach to sciatica treatment focuses on your body as a whole, by identifying and addressing the cause of your pain instead of treating just the inflamed sciatic nerve. As part of your treatment plan, you’ll work with one of Aligned Medical Group’s medical professionals to target the source of your discomfort and bring long-term relief to your lower back, buttocks, and legs.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments are a well-known, noninvasive sciatica treatment that can bring you swift relief. Spinal manipulations can alleviate muscle spasms and pressure on your sciatic nerve when you have a herniated disc or misaligned vertebrae. In addition to pain relief, your sciatic nerve will be able to send and receive signals properly again. Adjustments help with spinal mobility, also reducing nerve pressure, reducing inflammation and encouraging healing.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is also an effective sciatica treatment method. Creating relaxation deep in your muscles, your body will release your body’s natural painkillers, endorphins. While both a therapeutic massage and a massage you get at the spa will release tension in your muscles, a licensed massage therapist with knowledge of your musculoskeletal system can direct the appropriate amount of pressure to ensure your treatments are successful. Muscle tension is counterproductive to healing and creates higher spinal pressure where your nerves are pinched and sensitive.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

When the discs in your spine become weak and bulge out, degenerate (flatten) or herniate, they can put pressure on your spinal nerves causing sciatic pain. Spinal decompression therapy works to stretch and relax the muscles, ligaments, discs, and joints of the lower spine and to relieve the pressure that may be causing sciatica pain. This is done by healing your spinal discs. The rhythmic pumping creates suction on spinal discs. The discs are then better able to remove inflammation and carbon dioxide, while suctioning in oxygen and nutrients. This process is called imbibement.

Home Stretching and Exercise Programs

In addition to your work with certified healthcare professionals, it is important to complement your appointments with an at-home stretching and exercise regime. As part of your sciatica treatment, there are specific stretches that help to relieve pressure and pain caused by an inflamed sciatic nerve or tight muscles. As you find relief, we help by creating custom strengthening routines to protect your sciatic nerve and provide greater long term outcomes.

Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections are another method to help sciatica pain that is considered when less invasive methods have proven unsuccessful. Using this method, the medical practitioners at Aligned Medical Group inject targeted holistic and prescription medications to reduce muscle tightness that contributes to pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Is Chiropractic Treatment Effective for Sciatica?

A chiropractor is the ideal medical professional to go to for sciatic nerve pain treatment. Simply consider that sciatica pain is from pressure on the sciatic nerve. Mechanical treatment from a sciatica specialist is the best way to “unpinch” the nerve so you can feel better. Treatment for sciatica by a chiropractor may include spinal manipulations, which reduce pressure on pinched nerves without invasive procedures. The team at Aligned Medical Group can provide gentle and natural pain relief and a personalized sciatic treatment program for you. Additional treatment options for sciatica include spinal decompression therapy, massage therapy, Flexion-Distraction manipulation, and therapeutic stretches. We work with professional supplements to reduce inflammation, provide pain relief and enhance healing, as well. Start your journey towards a life without sciatic nerve pain by contacting Aligned Medical Group to schedule an appointment today!

Why Choose Aligned Medical Group For Sciatica Treatment?

The Aligned Medical Group can help you combat your stubborn sciatica pain with a team of experienced healthcare professionals. Our chiropractors, Integrated Medical doctors, and massage therapists are ready to meet with you to find the root cause of your pain and develop a plan for your path to relief. Call (610) 644-3166 to schedule a free consultation with our medical professionals or contact us today!