Physical therapy is often prescribed after an injury or in response to a physical condition. But the benefits of physical therapy are multifaceted and work alongside other treatments, such as surgery, to help to get you back to where you were before. For more information contact Dr. Lucas Silveri-Hiller of Aligned Medical Group in Malvern, PA.
Pain Management
In managing post-surgery and long-term pain, physical therapy can be your greatest ally. Although opioids remain a necessary tool for many who suffer from chronic pain, because of several potential problems associated with their use, the CDC now recommends physical therapy as an alternative.
Aid in Recovery
After a sports or work-related injury, or a surgery related to either, physical therapy can help you recover faster than you would without it. Just as it helps manage pain symptoms, it also stimulates healing. In certain cases, physical therapy may also help you avoid surgery in the first place.
Recovering From a Stroke
A stroke can severely impact the links between your mind and the rest of your body. Physical therapy is often prescribed to help those who have suffered a stroke relearn ways to accomplish common tasks. It is proven helpful with many other neurological conditions, as well.
Mobility and Movement
It’s no magic formula, physical therapy requires work as you and a professional strengthen specific parts of your body. This is done in a safe way to improve mobility, thereby improving your ability to enjoy the activities you want to do. It involves monitored training sessions and workouts at home, all to make your body function as it should.
Physical Therapy in Malvern, PA
If you are looking to find out just how you can benefit from physical therapy, then come into our office and let our experts devise a plan specialized to you and your condition. Make your appointment today with Dr. Lucas of Aligned Medical Group in Malvern, PA, by dialing 610-644-3166.