What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

by | Mar 12, 2025 | Blog

The human wrist is composed of a complex myriad of bones, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. The bones and ligaments on the palm side of the wrist form a small passageway known as the carpal tunnel. Through this tunnel passes the median nerve that controls and relays both motor and sensory functions to the three middle fingers and thumb. When that narrow compartment becomes inflamed or compressed, an individual will normally experience the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when pressure is placed on the median nerve in the wrist. The key anatomical components are the carpal bones found at the bottom of the passageway and the transverse carpal ligament spanning across the top. Anytime there is pressure placed on the median nerve within this space, a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome can be confirmed. Key factors leading to carpal tunnel syndrome are changes to the wrist anatomy, health conditions, and repetitive hand motions. For many who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, a single cause can be difficult to diagnose, but can be the culmination of several risk factors. These contributing factors that can develop into carpal tunnel syndrome are:

  • Gender, as women are more likely to experience symptoms due in part to anatomical factors such as a smaller carpal tunnel
  • Fractures and other changes in wrist anatomy can increase the potential of closing the carpal tunnel
  • Inflammatory and nerve-damaging conditions can hasten symptoms
  • Certain medications and medical conditions have been linked to an increase in carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Body composition and hormonal changes can increase the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Workplace conditions and repetitive movements can be significant factors in carpal tunnel syndrome development

While a plethora of data is suggestive on the causes of the closure of the carpal tunnel and increase the pressure on the medial nerve, a proactive treatment plan is critical to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome​.

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Early Signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The early indicators of carpal tunnel syndrome commonly begins with a tingling or numbing sensation throughout the hand and fingers. Many of the afflicted describe the tingling as an electric shock or a burning sensation in the area that can occur during periods of use or rest. Another symptom that presents early in carpal tunnel syndrome is weakness in the thumb. It is a common symptom that the thumb’s ability to pinch or squeeze is impacted by the constriction in the carpal tunnel.

Person using brace on their wrist

Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at Home

One of the best defenses to combat early onset carpal tunnel syndrome can be done at home. Changing your daily routine or making minor adjustments to your routine can reduce the amount of stress placed on your wrists and hands. Some common changes that can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome include:

1. Use Proper Hand and Wrist Posture

Good wrist posture begins with keeping your wrists in a neutral position and aligned with your forearms. Adjusting your desk or workstation is also essential to improve posture by keeping your forearms level with your work surface. It is critical to avoid leaning or placing excessive pressure on the heel of your hand and wrist. 

2. Take Breaks Regularly and Often

Incorporating regular breaks into your routine can be greatly beneficial in preventing carpal tunnel syndrome. A 10-15 minute pause in strenuous wrist activity can provide a substantial recovery period of overexerted ligaments. 

3. Avoid Repetitive Wrist Strain

Minimizing strain on the carpal tunnel region can be achieved by changing how you approach activities; for example, utilizing both hands to complete a task can significantly reduce repetitive strain. Also, avoiding staying in the same position while holding heavy objects can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.

4. Utilizing Supportive Devices

A number of supportive devices are available to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome or in the least minimize inflammation of the carpal tunnel. Wrist braces/splints, wrist rests, and ergonomic keyboards are designed to reduce symptoms and discomfort.

5. Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is critical in the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome. An appropriate BMI is an essential component as a preventative measure. Also controlling rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and hypothyroidism play a key role in carpal tunnel health.

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Exercises to Prevent Carpal Tunnel

Self-care is vital in carpal tunnel prevention. Incorporating an effective exercise routine can provide positive results. Basic stretching and wrist conditioning can reduce repetitive strain and minimize injury to the area. Other exercises that can prevent carpal tunnel are:

  • Gliding motions and exercises of the wrist
  • Grip strengthening
  • Specific workplace conditioning
  • Yoga

Person holding wrist in pain

When to Seek A Medical Professional For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you experience persistent symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome that disrupt your daily activities or sleep, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for carpal tunnel syndrome. It is essential that if you are experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome that you seek a medical evaluation as permanent muscle and nerve damage can occur.

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Non-Surgical Treatments Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are non-surgical options for carpal tunnel syndrome that have proven to be effective. The success of these noninvasive treatments are significantly enhanced by early diagnosis. Wrist splinting, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroids can significantly relieve pressure on the medial nerve by reducing inflammation.

How Aligned Medical Can Help Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The expert team at Aligned Medical Group can provide you with a number of non-surgical treatments for the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome and other orthopedic maladies. We provide our patients with a holistic and integrative medical practice that incorporates modern medical treatments to achieve the most favorable outcome. Contact Aligned Medical Group to schedule your appointment today.